Monday, April 26, 2010

New Kickstart

I've always found the starting of a motorcycle  repugnant, when a violent kick or two followed by a loud belch from the somnolent engine which seems to be protesting being awakened into performance.  That isn't exactly what this restarting is like.  Actually I enjoy doing this blog, but I have to fess up.

I've been visiting another blog, The Broken Net.  It is written by another Christian Scientist who reads books (I've sometimes felt I'm the only one) and writes--or wrote--facile "thoughts, observations and aperçus on the daily living of Christian Science.  Good stuff.  For months the only comments written on it were fawning and adulatory and had no substance at all.  I thought the blogger, "Christian" after Christian of Pilgrim's Progress, was probably laughing up his or her sleeve, and was hoping for some more substantive discussion.  So when I posted comments I tried to take a point forward and say something that was worth saying, complimenting Christian on his/her good writing.  Then the last couple of weeks the blog got shrill and vituperative in a logomachy over the alleged turpitude of two members of the CS Board of Directors. The stories are never spelled out, no real documentation has been given except for a link or two and a hardly-official CS publication of dubious authoritativeness.  Anyway, there were protests by Christian about people using his/her blog as their own bully pulpit, and a suggestion was made that such folks set up their own blogs.  Now I'm not one of those people; my entries have been around 100 words max.  But that, on top of a nagging conscience, prompts me to start this up again.  I hope the belch of the kickstart won't be too repugnant.


C. Martin B. said...

I'm glad to have found someone out there who like me is somewhat puzzled by all the adulation garnered by Christian in The Broken Net. It would seem to be a bit more genuine if not all the comments were sycophantist. And this is stated without rendering any judgment whatsoever on the quality or sophistication (or thoughtfulness or pretentiousness or fill in your own characterization) at all. All these notions are in the eyes of the readers. Go Nancy.

C. Martin B. said...
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